
We gladly accept returns in case you are not satisfied with your order. You can choose either a refund or to exchange the item. You have 14 days after receiving your order to return it.

  • Please send an email to to notify us of your return. You will then receive a confirmation from us whether your order still qualifies for a return/refund.
  • All items must be returned in their original, unworn condition, and with the original labels attached. Items purchased on sale can only be exchanged for another size (if available). Refunds are not possible for sale items.
  • Preferably choose an insured shipping method, or one that provides a Track & Trace code to ensure that your shipment arrives safely with us. We cannot take responsibility for lost or damaged shipments. Also, keep your shipping proof.
  • Shipping costs will not be refunded. Product refunds will be processed within 10 days.

For more questions about returns, exchanges, and refunds, you can contact us via the following email address:

You can send your returns to the following address:
Prinses Irenelaan 93
3554 HD, Utrecht
The Netherlands